Saturday, 29 March 2008

Partners and there compelling reason to act!

The funny thing with the Executives is that I hear so many of the Partner Managers that come to my courses saying that in the absence of value, nearly every transaction or decision of the partner will revolve around price! Which is quite true - for in the absence of value, what is left .......................yes the price!


We all (including you) cannot presume that our partners perceive, understand, and comprehend the value of any product/offering (or whatever you try to sell through your partner) without having it first interpreted for them (in terms of their needs, wants and value expectations). Price is such a dominant factor in today’s crowded marketplace that the value you deliver must be so clear in the mind of the Decision Maker from the partner that it supersedes his or her drive to seek a progressively lower and lower price (from the different vendors they have).


It must fulfill their Business as well as Personal Decision Making reasons - it must give them the compelling reason to act!


Regards Mark von Rosing