I will choose to take up a discussion here which is maybe not an easy topic, but from my point of view an important one. We have all been to those partner sales meetings, or end of year review/planning meetings where you are measured how you did as a partner manager. In most of those meetings someone (most your leader) wants "more than 100%" from you as a person/partner manager. I have personally learned from training and coaching more than 10.000 people in over 45 countries all over the world, that by including coaching in the competency development, one can enable a remarkable performance improvement in the way they sell.
However besides that the way one works can be modeled and influenced, the output can be influenced a lot, by many 100 of %, however that was not the question. The question was if you as a partner manager can deliver more than 100%. Well here's how you do that. Here's how you can achieve more than 100% (for example 103%). First of all, here's a little math that might prove helpful in the future. How does one achieve 100% in LIFE? Begin by noting the following.
IF :
A = 1
B = 2
C = 3
D = 4
E = 5
F = 6
G = 7
H = 8
I = 9
J = 10
K = 11
L = 12
M = 13
N = 14
O = 15
P = 16
Q = 17
R = 18
S = 19
T = 20
U = 21
V = 22
W = 23
X = 24
Y = 25
Z = 26
H A R D W O R K = 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = Only 98%
K N O W L E D G E = 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = Only 96%
But interesting (and as you'd expect),
A T T I T U D E = 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%..... This is how you achieve 100% in LIFE…..and that is actually what I believe as well.
B U L L S H I T = 2+21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103%
So now you know what all those high-priced consultants, upper management, and motivational speakers really mean when they want to exceed your input of 100 %! For a person cannot deliver more than 100%.
Now don’t understand me wrong, as a coach I have had the opportunity to stimulate and strengthen excellent professional and personal development skills and habits that enhance the power, growth and performance of the people I work with. Just as an Olympic athlete works with a coach to win the gold medal, I have as performance coach worked with partner manager to identify their weaknesses, develop their known and unknown strengths/potential, and helped them grow and perform. In that process I will push and challenge them in every way – and will demand more of them, in order to help them change, improve, grow and perform. So don’t understand me wrong, I have seen remarkable performance improvement in the way partner manager manage their channel sales - even many 100%. But that has nothing to do with the demand many company managers have. They want you to deliver more than 100% and that is not possible. A person unless he bullshit’s cannot give more than 100%, however the result can be improved by much more than 100%. For example, I know that many partner sales organizations have a small number of partner managers that are peak performers carrying the main responsibility for the channel revenue targets for the entire team or company. Peak performers can be made and they can be modeled, and their skills, attitudes, and habits mentored to new levels and heights.
Many of the other team members know that certain things they should do in a better way, but too often they don’t know how - or do not get it done in reality. We all work against some barriers that somehow keep us from doing what is 100%. The input each one of us can deliver will be very different, but as a person…….then max amount you can deliver is 100% and the best way to do that is to have the right attitude and then start to exploit your “100%” potential.
For that “action mode” you need to break through self imposed limitations that is holding you back from the power, balance, growth, success and performance that you strive for. I would really look forward to read, how you start sharing with each other about the different ideas and ways how to:
1. Overcome self imposed limitations that are holding you back?
2. Build new levels of self discipline?
3. Overcome indecisiveness and uncertainty?
4. Remove the mental and emotional obstacles that are limiting your personal growth, power and thereby performance?
5. Identify your weaknesses?
6. Develop your known and unknown strengths?
7. Explore your 100% potential.
8. Be pushed and challenged to real limits?
As mentioned before, I know this is not a easy topic and I look forward to read the discussions and hear your best practice channel management performance improvement approaches